Landline: 021 435 5411 I Mobile: 087 143 7228 I Email: I Located in Waterfront Business Park, Little Island, Co Cork

Choosing your Adaptation

If you would like a demonstration of an adaptation, please contact Daniel in the office. Please be aware that some adaptations may not be suitable for your vehicle, please contact us for more details.

Primary Controls

Wheelchair Storage Boot Hoist

The boot hoist attaches to the wheelchair/scooter via specifically installed lifting points. Using the remote control, the hoist arm lifts the wheelchair/scooter and moves it into the vehicle whilst being guided by the user. The wheelchair/scooter is then lowered onto the boot floor and stowed for the journey.

It increases independence by removing the requirement for somebody to physically lift the wheelchair/scooter into the vehicle and the operation can often be carried out by the wheelchair/scooter user themselves.

Entering and Exiting the Vehicle

Wheelchair Storage Chair Topper

A standard folding wheelchair is automatically folded and stored within a waterproof fiber-glass cover by the ‘chair topper’ (pictured here). Your wheelchair may be raised, folded, and stored using a handy hand-held remote. The regular driver's side configuration of the chair topper is standard, while the optional passenger side configuration is optional. The chair topper works with a variety of automobiles. Please get in touch with a member of our team if you're interested in seeing a demonstration or learning more about the chair topper system.